We set out for Pistol Creek about 12:30 Friday afternoon. The plan was to clear a trail in to the swimming hole that we could pull a cart full of camping gear along.

Andy pulled over to mark the map and I noticed steam puffing out from under his fender. A few moments later it was yakking coolant from the vent hose as his radiator boiled over. For some reason the fan stopped working.

Cap’n Ron and I had blazed a route the previous weekend, but there was, as yet, no trail.

Cap’n Ron pushing through the salmon berry brambles – proof of concept- the trail will accommodate a cart!

I cooked hotdogs on the engine cases during the ride in. When I parked, I wrapped them in a towel stuffed in my backpack for the hike to the creek. They were still hot and the buns warm and moist, when we sat down to eat.

It was a warm day, about 90f (32c) out in the woods. The creek was glacial cold It felt good to sit in the water and drink beer.