Poems & Other Lies
Moonlit Snowfield
Receding snow covers the ground like a dirty blanket, crusty and stained, flecked with debris. But the moon bathes it clean, transforming it into a glowing blue sheet stretching across the open fields from treeline to treeline. In the distance a lone coyote's laughter...
Frozen Pinwheels
Mimicking a steep mountain avalanche the snow rumbles off my lodge suddenly sliding down in sheets and curls scrubbing the canvas clean
Snowy Morning
Two crows and a robin cross the blank, gray sky overhead A wren pauses on a snowdrift before joining a junco in the filigree atop a birch Squirrels make their cautious way through the grove as small birds flit through oak branches flocked with white The snow...
Rocks is My Pillow
Oh my Darlin' Oh my Darlin' Oh my Darlin' Clementine You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry Clementine. June 1rst, 2007 - November 20th, 2021
Day and Night
A gust blows through the not quite bare oaks, filling the air with swirling leaves. Clouds part and the sun slants bright golden light through the pouring rain. Coyotes whoop in the dark, then fall still. Their echoing cries fade to silence. The bright stars...
The Haint
The fire had burned low. Its flickering light joined the soft glow of a kerosene lantern hanging from the lifting pole at the back of the lodge. I lay on my cot, staring up at the tipi canvas suspended overhead by a cone of slender poles. Walter...
Remembering Dad
My father is dead and gone. Nothing remains but echoes and the footprints of his long walk through life. What can I say? Why would I say it? He can’t hear my words, they are just more echoes in the space he once filled. We had a contentious relationship when I was a...
The Joys of Summer
The air is stagnant filled with the sweet smell of blackberries fermenting under the hot August sun A large animal, grazing the brambles An expert tracker would be hard-pressed to distinguish my scat from that of a bear shapeless, black, and filled with...
Seasonal Concupiscence
Spreading maples throb with bees The air tastes like honey Everywhere, trees are blooming Here and there, beneath licentious conifers and cottonwoods dripping with pollen, a shy morel appears.
Early Spring
Watching the grey clouds shifting east overhead. Spring song fills the air with melodious twitter-are those robins? Roosters near and distant offer a hoarse counterpoint. A raptor glides low across the field. Good morning.
Silence of The Lonesome
The silence of the lonesome is rent by wails and cackles A cabal of coyotes singing incantations in the dark hour of morning long before the rooster dares stir
Bonfire of the Vanities
As the country breathed a collective sigh of relief, we had a bonfire and set off some fireworks to celebrate Trump's ignominious departure and the Biden/Harris inauguration. Looking forward to a brighter future.
Cardamom Tea
Lying in the hot tub drinking cardamom tea and staring at the stars, in my head I have fixed my motorcycle. I’ve graded the front yard and reseeded it with red clover. I’ve rebuilt the raised beds and added a third. Between the gardens, I have carefully...
Damp The clouds have come right down to the ground, enveloping me It is not raining, but I can feel the water particles brushing against my skin with their cold, damp touch
November 9th
November 9th The stars shine in bright defiance of the waning half moon Behind me and to the west the lunatic yipping of coyotes echos A farm dog standing sentry barks and the pack falls silent Frost sparkles on the ground yesterday’s storm has blown...