Semi-Social Distance Saturday.

roasting a peep

The Adventurer, Vernon Wade

Vernon was born in the Pacific Northwest and still lives in the shadow of Mt. Hood, near the small town where he grew up. Vernon has spent decades wandering the hills, hunting mushrooms, camping and riding motorcycles into the remotest nooks and crannies to be found in the region.

We did pretty good today. Amy did have to take the dog to the vet this morning, but otherwise we stayed home, tried to stay clean and maintained some distance betwixt ourselves.

Since I am still working at the Ortho Clinic, I’ve been sleeping in the back bedroom and using the second bathroom, so as not to share my extra exposure with Amy.

Walter the Pirate Puppy

Walter Dawg had surgery on his fore foot several weeks ago and has been clumping around the house in a splint like a peg-legged pirate puppy. He got the splint off today, so he no longer must endure the humiliation of Pirate Puppy jokes, but he still has his staples and a dressing up to the elbow, so is stuck inside except for monitored poop and pee excursions, and wears a cone at night. Poor puppy dog.

Making s'mores






I made a fire in the dugout this afternoon. Not too motivated today – there was  cold wind blowing.

S'more cooked on dugout fireI made a couple of s’mores and a Peep in a Puddle before going back in the house. Tomorrow I will take the adze to the log and chip out the burned wood. Even a little progress is progress.

Peep in a Puddle



My brother, Andy, set up a virtual happy hour with the extended family on Zoom. It was fun seeing and talking to each other. This was our second get together, and it looks like it will become a regular event.

I hope all of you are staying safe and well. Self isolation works. Stay home. Wash your hands. With diligence and a little luck we will get through this. I am looking forward to going for a ride, maybe camping with you in the near future.


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