Nora’s Foray

Nora’s Foray

Beef Stroganov

Beef Stroganov

What can you do with a bucket of chanterelles? I don’t like them dried and you can only eat so many omelets. You can freeze or can them, but they are never as good as when they are fresh. Ah, Stroganov… Stroganov is tasty, and you can use a ton of mushrooms if you...
Unsettled Weather

Unsettled Weather

  The end of summer is collapsing into a cycle of unsettled weather. A hot day with clear blue sky will suddenly cloud up and let loose a torrent of rain. The night will go black and crack open in streaks of lightning, thunder echoing and rolling across the...
Lamb Kabobs

Lamb Kabobs

  Lamb Kabobs This recipe pairs the subtle fruitiness of fresh chanterelles with the sweetness of dried apricots. When you arrange the mushrooms on the skewers, sandwich them between a dried apricot and a chunk of lamb, so the mushroom absorbs the flavor of the...
Simple Chanterelles with Shallots and Spices

Simple Chanterelles with Shallots and Spices

            I wrapped the cooked chanterelles in foil and placed them behind the cylinders of my Triumph to keep them warm on my ride to town.  When I got to work, I topped a plate of biscuits and gravy from the cafeteria with wild...