Snow Camp!

Snow Camp!

A photo essay about our snow camp until we get around to writing a ride report.                                                      ...
Scouting for a Camp Site

Scouting for a Camp Site

(Words: Andy Wade; Photos: Vernon Wade & Andy Wade) Half the fun of camping is scouting new places to go. Any time we get out on the hacks and head to the mountains is a good day. Our expedition the week before was, as usual, a blast. Riding through Underwood and...
The Latency of Morning

The Latency of Morning

It has been snowing for a week It snowed all last night It is snowing yet. My world, confined to what I can see, is a shapeless mass of amorphous heaps. A rumpled blanket hides the ground. Everything is pale and colorless. The paper birch, branches laced with snow,...