Lunch At The Big Lava Bed

Lunch At The Big Lava Bed

It’s been an odd winter; cold weather and heavy dumps of snow have alternated with prolonged warm spells and clear blue skies. At the beginning of January Andy and I were able to ride all the way up to South Prairie, about fourteen miles into the Gifford Pinchot...
2020 Winter Camp

2020 Winter Camp

Barley Camp Stew

Barley Camp Stew

Barley makes a hearty, thick base for a stew. It scorches easily, so stir frequently and cook over moderate heat. At camp, we hung the stew pot from a tripod and raised it high above the flames. If you use a Dutch oven, put more coals on top, fewer underneath. Rotate...
Potato Chowder

Potato Chowder

This recipe was a staple for me during my college years. It was cheap, easy and filling. A big pot of it could feed me for a week. I would gather and dry quantities of fairy ring mushrooms (Marasmius oreades) from the little park down the street from my apartment, and...