First Fall Foray

First Fall Foray

Summer 2020 in Oregon featured plague, drought, and catastrophic forest fires, but it had been raining hard the first few days of fall. Mike and I went up in the woods Friday to see if we could find any mushrooms. Walter Dawg and I arrived before Mike. Once parked, I...
Dutch Oven Cornbread

Dutch Oven Cornbread

  This is a variation of the cornstick recipe I posted earlier.  Cornbread recipes are pretty flexible. You can start with equal parts cornmeal, flour, and sugar Use more cornmeal and less flour for more texture; proportionally more flour than meal yields...
Campfire Chili Dinner

Campfire Chili Dinner

Until recently, I seldom used a tripod for anything more than boiling water. Why go to the effort to make a tripod when you can cook directly over the coals? But I have come to appreciate the heat control a tripod affords. You can hang your pot high over a flaming...
Birthday Furlough Camp

Birthday Furlough Camp

  My corporate overlords asked for volunteers for a one-week furlough as part of their pandemic austerity measures. I was not sure I was in a better place financially to take the hit than they were, but I was certain I could put the time off to good use, so I...
Stuffed Zucchini

Stuffed Zucchini

It is that time of year. The zucchini is coming on and gardeners are hiding the stuff in everything trying to foist it off on their friends and neighbors. I don’t go in for the subterfuge – none of that zucchini bread, zucchini cookies, zucchini fudge, or zucchini...