Birthday Furlough Camp

Birthday Furlough Camp

  My corporate overlords asked for volunteers for a one-week furlough as part of their pandemic austerity measures. I was not sure I was in a better place financially to take the hit than they were, but I was certain I could put the time off to good use, so I...
Pie Iron Breakfast Scramble

Pie Iron Breakfast Scramble

A quick and easy breakfast for one or two people, this pie iron scramble is a real winner Ingredients 2 servings  2 handfuls Tater Tots 2 slices bacon 1 egg butter pepper, garlic three fingered pinch diced onion (optional) three fingered pinch diced sweet pepper...
Social Distance Monday

Social Distance Monday

They didn’t need me at work Monday, so I did the responsible thing and stayed home and messed with my dugout canoe project. I am just at the beginning stages of burning out the cottonwood log. Using birch bark, pine pitch, dried grass and a ferro rod, I got a...
Lobster Mushroom Tater Tot Tuna Sammy

Lobster Mushroom Tater Tot Tuna Sammy

Pie Iron sammies on a rainy afternoon in the tipi. How delightful! Ingredients   tater tots 1 can tuna 1 small lobster mushroom butter or oil tartar sauce Allow Tater Tots to thaw and warm pie irons near the fire. While irons are preheating, saute thinly sliced...
Pie Iron Tuna Melt

Pie Iron Tuna Melt

We were going to do tuna melts in the pie irons at Fungal in the Jungle, but Wayne and Peter fed us so well we never got around to cooking for ourselves. I was really looking forward to seeing how potoato bread worked in the pie iron, so a couple of days after we got...