After weeks of planning and prepartion Andy, Walter and I were finally on the road, heading out for our annual snow camp.

The county plowed about four miles up the road, then abruptly stopped, leaving a berm of ice blocking the way. We parked the truck and pulled the sleds out.

When we scouted for this trip last month, the snow was 3 feet deep. Only about 12″ of packed ice remained, with bare spots on the road we had to work the sleds around.

We left the sleds on the road and pushed through the brush until we found a suitable camp site on the river.

First things first: Using some of my home made fire starter, I got a fire going so our lunch could heat while we set up camp.

We got busy setting up our tents while the taco things warmed by the fire.

Firewood was easily gathered from the surrounding stands of alder. Anticipating a change in the weather we got in a good stack of wood while it was still dry.

By the time the shadows lengthened, we had our camp squared away, the tents set up and a tarp stretched for a kitchen shelter.

We watched the sun set from the comfort of our lean-to, with a blazing campfire to stave off the cold.

The Cap’n brought his drone with him, providing some aerial footage of our camp. I will post the videos as I get them edited.

I had stacked some rocks on the bank to check for rising water. The water rose about 4″ overnight. We were camped on low ground, hence my concern, but it worked out Okay.

After breakfast we hiked up to Cabbage Creek Road and followed it south along the opposite bank of the Little White.

The rotten snow under the trees would give way unexpectedly, encouraging us to pause and reflect upon the beauty of nature.

We had thought there might be some better place to camp on the far side of the river, but there are so many snags and widowmakers it might prove difficult to find a safe spot. We do plan to exlore some more when the snow is off the ground.

The night sky was spectacular, but a cold breeze and dropping temperature foretold a change in the weather.