Getting up Monday morning was a little rocky.

I felt marginally improved with a little caffeine on-board.

Breakfast Monday morning was waffles, baked stove-top in an 120 year-old iron.

Andy whipped up a wild cranberry syrup for the topping.


Mike came up to help us pack. He was rewarded with a “second breakfast.” Timing is everything!

We started taking the canvas down after breakfast

Packing up seemed to take forever, but the weather was fine, and we kept the cauldron of wine over the fire until the last possible minute.

We took the last load back to the trucks around 3:00 pm…

…leaving behind a desolate camp, with only the skeletons of the tipis and the wickiup remaining after we left.

The last thing we did was police the camp, haul out the garbage and drown the fires.
A Misty Prequel Part 1: Pitching Camp Part 2: Samhain
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